제 3차 아프리카 선교 김순현 목사님 기도 부분입니다.
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Let us pray
After the message yesterday, while we were praising Lord came to me.
He said to me, there are many of my people here in this country, here this land.
I need people.
I cried much.
Early this morning, the Lord woke me up, and this is what he said to me.
This mission’s team from Korea has decided to lay their lives for this place.
You who are from America, are you willing to lay your life down as well?
When I heard that, I cried before the Lord for 2,3 hours.
I cried and cried again.
God was saying to me, I need someone who can lay down their lives for me.
I need someone who can dedicate themselves to me.
God was saying to me, just like you prayed for Present Trump in America for 3 to 5 hours, can you pray like that for this country?
God was saying to me, I need people.
He was saying, I need people to cry for this country for this land.
He was saying, Who among you pastors will do this?
Who among you praise team will cry for this country?
Who among here will cry for this country?
I desperately long for all of you to be able to raise your hands and say to God,
God, I will be that one.
When I cried to the Lord early this morning, that is what I said.
I raised my hands and I said here I am.
Lord, there are people here who are looking for you.
When the word of life is released upon you today, Lord would you let us respond that word?
Would you let us obey that word?
Lord let me lay down my position, my image, my heart.
I want to lay down before the word that is your truth.
Lord, pour upon us your mercy.
Lord, pour upon us your compassion.
Throw upon this place your fire of prayer.
Throw upon this place your fire of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, hold strong onto paster Jin as he preaches today.
let the fire come from his lips.
Let the fire of the Holy Spirit fall upon this place.
Lord we long for you.
Lord, we wait for you.
We pay in the name of Jesus.
We praise the lord,